Automatic energy management system with WPT-Robot

 Just as LAN cables have become unnecessary with the shift to wireless communications, this research aims to eliminate power cables from living spaces with wireless power transfer technology. In this way, mobile devices and stationary appliances can be completely cable-less, and we can freely set their location. The cable-less space also improves the landscape, making it a futuristic residence. However, the current secure wireless power transfer technology has not yet achieved a cable-less space due to insufficient transmission distance. Therefore, we propose WPT-Robot (Wireless Power Transfer-Robot ), an autonomous mobile robot with magnetic resonance wireless power transfer.
 WPT-Robot can achieve connection-free by eliminating the need for a particular cable with wireless power transfer and location-free by extending the area where power can be transferred by an autonomous mobile robot. This will allow WPT-Robot to automatically manage power for the many electronic devices in the living space. It frees you from the hassle of forgetting to charge your smartphone before going to bed and getting discouraged or going out to buy batteries when the remote controller runs out of charge.
 The proposed system only requires to mount a power receiving coil and the radio tags as positioning modules of the size compact enough to be mounted in mobile devices other than WPT-Robot. The radio tags estimate the location of the power supply target, and the information is used to perform robot navigation and wireless power transfer to the target. Also, a central management server is introduced to collect information on the voltage and distance to the target to determine whether power should be supplied or not and the priority order. It then sends commands to WPT-Robot to optimize the robot's action plan.


T. Mitsuhashi, S. Ajisaka, S. Nakamura
"WPT-Robot: Improving Practicality of An Automatic Power Management System ―Downsized Positioning Module and Transmission Coil ―"
The 7th International Conference on Advanced Mechatronics, OS-2A, 2021.7, Online

三橋 俊哉, 武藤 駿介, 近藤 米功, 鯵坂 志門, 中村 壮亮
第21回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 3E3-02, 2020.12, オンライン

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